New Holland Windrower Headers Combine Header, harvest | Douglas Lake Equipment & Avenue Machinery
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New Holland Windrower Headers


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New Holland Windrower Headers
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Powerful Speedrower® SP Windrowers allow you to drive a wide variety of high-performance headers. Choose from two powerful disc headers—the Durabine™ 416 with a 16’ 1” cut, or the Durabine™ 419 with an industry-widest 19’ 4” cut. New Holland offers a large selection of draper headers—from 25 to 40 feet wide. Haybine® sicklebar headers have a legendary history of top cutting and conditioning performance, and are available with a 14, 16 or 18foot cut.nn

Available At

Dawson Creek

11508 8th St
Dawson Creek, British Columbia V1G 3R8

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Grande Prairie

14250 100th St
Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 7C7

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Price, payments and models featured throughout may vary by dealer. Some restrictions apply. Offers are subject to change, cancellation or extension at any time without notice or obligation. For all offers: taxes, applicable fees (including, but not limited to, governmental environmental fees, administration fees, set-up fees, dealer fees, and delivery fees), insurance and registration are extra. Specifications, features, illustrations and equipment shown online are based on the latest available information at the time of publication. Although descriptions are believed to be correct, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. We reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice or obligation, specifications, accessories, materials, models, prices, payments, and other information.

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